​Land Conservancy of Lake County ILLINOIS
“"We don’t inherit the earth and its resources; we simply borrow from future generations.”
~Author unknown
The Board of Directors is elected by the membership at the Land Conservancy of Lake County Annual Meeting. Directors are elected for 3-year terms with staggered terms to retain stability within the Board of Directors. According to LCLC's bylaws, the Board of Directors may consist of a minimum of three and a maximum of seven Directors. The Board is comprised of a group of well-qualified individuals with a willingness to promote the efforts of LCLC by serving as Directors. The Land Conservancy of Lake County is also fortunate to have a number of other consultants and volunteers, among them biologists, soil scientists, engineers, and other professionals and educators available to assist our organization with specific project.
Betty Ann Ralston, President
B.A., University of Illinois-Urbana, Anthropology/Urban Planning
Betty Ann Ralston has been a member of the Land Conservancy of Lake County since 1991, and currently serves as President. She has also been secretary and treasurer. Currently retired, she formerly in accounting and administration at the Northeaster Illinois Planning Commission (now known as the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning). She lives in Antioch and is active in community affairs.
Jeff Koziel, Land Committee Chairman
B.S., Northern Illinois University, Geography with an emphasis on natural resources
Jeff is a founding member of the Conservancy. He currently serves as Treasurer on the Board and Chair of the Land Committee. He lives in unincorporated Lake Villa Township. Jeff has worked as a Natural Resource Consultant in the environmental field specializing in design/build services for bio-engineering techniques for stream banks, shorelines, and slope stabilization. Additional, Jeff worked for over 17 years in the public sector addressing concerns with natural resource protection, soil erosion and sediment control, land use, storm water management, and public education.
Gretchen Winkler, Board Member
B.A., University of North Carolina, Marine Biology; Certification, K-9 Education with Science Endorsement
Gretchen has worked with various environmental organizations such as the North Carolina Coastal Federation, Mason Inlet Bird Nesting and Management Project for the Wilmington Audubon Society, and the Marine Mammal Stranding Network of North Carolina. Along with her volunteer work with these organizations, she was a middle school science teacher in Lake County for five years.
Peter Winkler, Volunteer
B.S., Northeastern Illinois University, Biology
M.S., Eastern Illinois University, Environmental Biology
Peter Winkler has been a member of the Land Conservancy of Lake County since 1994 and served on the board of directors from 2002 until 2011. He worked in preserve management and research for the Illinois Natural History Survey and subsequently worked in a regulatory career with local government. Pete has gained broad experience working within his own consulting business and also as a project manager for a regional consulting and environmental management firm. Pete has held down Adjunct Instructor positions in higher education. Pete has industrial experience as a validation scientist, doing groundbreaking work in the construction of scientific approaches to quality manufacturing regulation. In 2011 Pete retired from the Biology Laboratory Coordinator position at Triton College. His primary activities with LCLC at this time include consulting with the BOD regarding ecosystem management issues, assisting in the field operations of restoration and management, and coordinating educational activities. Pete grew up in Chicago's northern suburbs and resides in Lake County with his wife, Darleen.