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​Land Conservancy of Lake County ILLINOIS
Walnut Creek -
Harriet B. Weber Nature Preserve
Hawthorne Woods, IL
The 29 acre parcel is found north of Old McHenry Road in the Walnut Creek Subdivision of Hawthorn Woods. The developer of Walnut Creek, Landmark Homes, donated the Preserve to LCLC in 1991. The parcel was named in 1999 in memory of Harriet B. Weber, past president of the Walnut Creek homeowners Association, who encouraged the developer to donate the property to LCLC. The parcel contains 80% wetlands of several types along with a large area of 100 year floodplain. Vegetation is dominated by narrow leaf cattails and reed canary grass. Willows, cottonwood, and silver maple make up the majority of trees found on site. Single-family residential housing surrounds the parcel.
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