​Land Conservancy of Lake County ILLINOIS

Land Conservancy of Lake County
We support the preservation and conservation of
natural resources in Lake County for individuals and their communities
through stewardship and education.
LCLC currently owns and maintains 8 different properties throughout Lake County. To learn more about these properties and view their locations click the images below. To view a county map of all properties click here.

LCLC is a non-profit organization that was birthed out of a shared vision between conservationists and land owners that wanted to help maintain and restore the local wild lands of Lake County, IL. We strive for the preservation, conservation, and management of open lands, natural areas, and ecosystems through full or partial interest in real property; and for increased student and citizen awareness and appreciation of the natural environment through public education and stewardship.
As a land trust, we provide tax relief to land-owners and developers who donate natural areas of easements.
Open lands and wetlands in Lake County are vanishing on a daily basis, and with them go the trees, birds and animals. Once open lands are gone, there can be no return to the beautiful natural areas that historically have set this county apart from others in Illinois. The Land Conservancy of Lake County takes an active role in managing and promoting the protection of natural areas and ecosystems.
To learn more about us click the links below:
Mission History Strategic Plan Board of Directors The Barns of Lake County
LCLC is an organization that depends largely on the help and enthusiasm of volunteers.
We offer a wide variety of passive and active volunteer opportunities for individuals, groups, families, and organizations. Some include being members of work crews, special program activities, membership and organizational help.
Note - volunteer activities involving outdoor tasks require proper precautions and awareness by participants. Physical stamina, durable clothing, shoes/boots, eyewear, and head protection are required. Additionally, insect repellent and an awareness of plants with thorns and skin irritants are necessary.
To find out how you can become involved click the links below.
Check out our favorite organizations here!